Teenager arrested with loaded gun hidden in her vagina

A teenager had a loaded handgun hidden in

her vagina when she was arrested for

driving with a suspended licence, police say.

Dallas J. Archer, was being searched when a

female correction officer detected 'an

unknown item in her crotch', according to a

police report.

The 19-year-old, from Kingsport, Tennessee,

was found to be concealing a stolen 22-calibre

mini-revolver after being arrested when her

mother claimed to have been assaulted on

April 21.

A police check revealed the handgun, which is

four inches in length, was stolen from a car in


Its 70-year-old owner, John Souther, told The

Smoking Gun he would like the 'little fellow

returned', but added the weapon would require

'a bath in bleach'.

Ms Archer was charged with gun possession

and introducing contraband into a penal


She has been released on bail.

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