My raps originated from a Liberian mad man-Ambolley

Gyedu Blay Ambolley who describes himself as the originator of rap
music says his style of rap was taken from a Liberian mad man they
called Arakayan.

Ambulley remembered how as kids they were fascinated by the
utterances of the madman- utterances which would later become his
signature tune and project him to musical stardom.

The ‘radum radum zo’ hit singer made the revelation when he appeared
on  Lexis Bill’s Personality Profile on  Drive Time [Joy FM], Thursday.

He was philosophical at some point of the interview , controversial at another but hugely entertaining.

Blay is not only contesting who the founder of hiplife is in Ghana,
he is also challenging the Guinness Book of records, accusing them of
crediting the wrong person as founder of rap music in the world.

Guinness Book of Records credits  the Sugarhill Gang, an American hip
hop group that became famous after their 1979 hit “Rapper’s Delight,”
with that accolade but Blay is convinced somebody did not do his job.

He said he released his first rap music in 1973 and should have been given that accolade.

On the local scene, Ambulley said he is the “tree of hiplife and reggie Rockstone is the branch.”

Rockstone is largely credited as the grand papa of hiplife, but Ambulley says he is the “originator.”


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