5 foods which can prevent early ageing of skin

Are you starting to notice the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles on

your face? It is a wake-up call to take a look at your skincare

regimen. Many women will panic and rush to the nearest cosmetic store

to look for products which will help renew their skin. The early

appearance of these ageing signs is due to various reasons, primarily,

lifestyle choices, food habits, stress, etc. However, you can manage

these with diet too. So before rushing to the store, rush to your

kitchen and add these foods in your daily diet to keep looking young

for a longer time.


Green, leafy vegetables especially spinach has vitamin A and

beta-carotene which has properties to prevent premature skin ageing

and degradation. The darker the green, the better is for your skin so

add spinach to your diet. Blend it in a mixer to make a power drink or

eat it in the form of a curry.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds orfaloodaorsabjaare extremely beneficial for your skin's

health. They add radiance to your skin and keep it looking youthful.

The good part is you only have to eat a spoonful every day. They are a

rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which are responsible for keeping

the skin young and flawless.


There are various berries and all are good to keep those ageing signs

at bay. These help in renewing collagen in your skin which is

responsible for keeping it elastic and supple. Eating a handful of

these seasonal berries can boost collagen and keep your skin healthy

and young. Berries also contain manganese, which has the ability to

convert toxins within the skin cells into oxygen, reducing skin



Tomatoes are available easily and making good use of this fruit is

beneficial for your skin. It contains lycopene which has strong

anti-ageing properties. It shields the skin from getting affected by

external factors such as pollution, sun damage, etc. Eating cooked

tomato is better than its raw version as the lycopene is more active

when it is heated.


Almonds are packed with vitamin E and also antioxidants which prevent

skin damage and also help in skin rejuvenation. Eating almonds soaked

overnight in water can boost your skin's health manifold. Vitamin E is

also helpful in speeding up the healing process of your skin.

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