Ayittey Powers pulls out of April 18 bout
The much anticipated April 18 boxing bout
between two arch rivals in the country, Ayite
Powers and Bukom Banku will not come off.
Ayitte Powers says God has communicated to
him through his spiritual father, Nigerian
Prophet, TB Joshua, not to fight on April 18.
"As for me I want to fight," he told Joy FM's
Super Morning Show host Bernard Nasara Saibu,
"but if God says I cannot fight, I will not fight,"
he added. Ayitte Powers recently returned from
Nigeria where he underwent an exorcism at the
Sinagogue Church of All Nations founded by TB Joshua.
He was said to have been delivered of demonic
possessions that have frustrated his boxing career.
But no one foresaw him pulling out of the much
touted, unusually hyped boxing bout which
seemed to hold the potential to breathe some
life into the dormant boxing calendar in the country.
Ayitte Powers obviously shocked many and
disappointed even many more with his decision.
But all is not lost – he says he is prepared to
fight Bukom Banku any other day apart from April 18.
He cannot risk disobeying the wise counsel of
his spiritual father who took his inspiration
from God.
Powers dismissed assertions that he simply
chickened out of the fight because he is afraid
of his opponent.
"I'm not afraid of Banku; I know him and I'm
not afraid of him," he stressed.
He also rejected suggestions that he could be
sued for calling off the bout. The promoters had
previously changed the date for the fight and "I
didn't sue them so why should they sue me"?