Constantly feeling fatigued and don’t know why?
It could be any one of the following reasons…
While all of us feel tired on and off, thanks to
the fast pace of our lifestyles, if you're
constantly feeling fatigued and can't quite
figure out why , it could be any one of these
– Take a close look at your daily habits -they
could be the prime reason for you feeling so
exhausted all the time. Depending on caffeine
to get you through the day isn't doing your
body any favours. Caffeine can leave you
feeling more tired than ever because it causes
your blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Ditch the
caffeine and instead opt for healthy juices
and soups. Avoid sugary snacks and junk food
and include fruits and vegetables in your diet
and make sure you eat lean protein. A healthy
diet goes a long way in keeping exhaustion at
– Are you getting enough sleep? Most people
think they can get away with a few hours of
sleep during the week and catch up on their
sleep on the weekends. This actually causes
your body to feel tired faster and you tend to
burn up more energy . Make sure that you get
at least seven to eight hours of sleep every
night and stay away from caffeine and alcohol
in the evening so that it doesn't hinder sleep
time. Also, the area you sleep in has to be a
place that is quiet and comfortable. Avoid
having a TV in the bedroom and keep clutter
out. Switch off your mobile before you go to
sleep -there are several studies that confirm
that sleeping next to a mobile that is on,
causes disturbances and is generally
unhealthy .
– If you feel you're too tired to exercise and
use that as an excuse to bunk your gym, stop.
Exercising not only helps you unwind but also
energises you. Avoid working out just before
you sleep because that will keep you up.
Instead, work out early morning or in the
evening. People who exercise feel less tired
than those who don't, say studies. Exercise at
least three to four times a week and soon you
will notice the difference in your energy
– As your doctor whether you need to do a
blood test for anaemia, which is one of the
most common cause of fatigue. Anaemia,
which is a lack of iron, can be treated by
following a diet that is rich in iron foods,
dark leafy vegetables or even supplements
that your doctor provides.
– An over or under active thyroid is also
known to cause severe tiredness. Get a blood
test done to see if your thyroid is functioning
normally Medication will help ease the tiredness
– Another health concern could be diabetes.
Out of control diabetes will make you feel
tired all the time. Get your blood sugar levels
checked. And if that is indeed the cause, ask
a nutritionist to prescribe a diet that is
suitable to your tastes and lifestyle.
– Whether you believe it or not, depression
can also make you feel very tired. Studies
substantiate this fact -if you find yourself
feeling sluggish and low, have lost your
appetite and are generally finding getting
through each day a task, it's time to visit a
psychiatrist who will be able to help you.
– Suffer from sleep apnea or snoring? If you
wake up every morning feeling as if you
haven't slept, it could be that you're suffering
from a sleep-related ailment. Visit your
– Experts say that undiagnosed heart disease
can also be related to tiredness. Feel a strain
even while doing mundane, everyday tasks
and feel tired easily? Time to go in for a heart
– One of the other main reasons for fatigue is
also the sweltering heat that has plagued the
city since the past several months. Doctors
have witnessed a sharp rise in the number of
cases of dehydration and fatigue. Try to stay
indoors as much as possible and carry water
with you always. Have as much liquids as