John Dumelo urge for Sandra Ankobiah’s “centre of attraction”

The Ghanaian popular actor, John Dumelo will
never seize to amuse his fans and foes on social
network with pictures and caption that leaves
one with curiosity and amazement.
One of the recent post that keeps circulating
round is his desire for another Ghanaian
popular actress' cleavage, which appear so
revealing, robust and tempting to John Dumelo.
And judging from his post, even though the
event where this picture was taken ended many
weeks ago, John Dumelo is still fantasizing over it.
As it is on his Facebook wall "The center of
attraction can mean so many things….. but I like
I wat I see"
John Dumelo who could not hide his feeling for
what he described as Sandra Ankobiah "center of
attraction" on his wall acknowledged his desire
for it. But to what extent he could go to get
Sandra Ankobah's "central of attraction"
practically tested to satisfy his urge is the
question on the lips of his fans.
Though many have questioned, and as well tried
to caution the indecent dressing of females;
most especially the famous one, but it seems
nothing is changing, as they are enjoying the
attention such is giving them.
While those who have experienced the negative
repercussion of it, through sexual assault or
rape have repented.
But there's no doubt that revealing clothes is
what is in vogue, and men like John Dumelo will
die to see a woman's cleavage.
Adeyemi Adebayo Victor-GhanaWeb reported.