Pokello’s Family Reacts To Claims Of Snubbing Elikem
Few hours after the story broke that Pokello's father snubbed Elikem
during his visit to Pokello's family in Zimbabwe, fans of the two
lovebirds begun reacting on Twitter, questioning the credibility of
the story. One of Pokello's relative who goes by the name Makazii
hurriedly uploaded an exclusive picture that she claimed was taken
during Elikem's visit to the family house, which according to our
investigation, the man in the picture does not look like the picture
of Pokello's father in circulation on the internet. Pokello in her
reaction on Twitter confirmed that Elikem actually met her entire
family. In her words, "he (Elikem) met my entire family." But she did
not debunk or reaffirm the fact that her father either snubbed or
embraced the idea of both of them getting involved in a romantic