Multiplication Miracles Happen in Your Hands
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When it comes to dealing with money, it often seems like many Christians want God to make things happen for them and bring them the results, all without much of their involvement. For some it’s easy to “name it and claim it” (or as some would say, “blab it and grab it”), and then wait around for an angel to whisk a special delivery blessing on a chariot to their doorstep, like they were receiving a package from a heavenly UPS delivery person.
Many Christians want God to make things happen for them and bring them the results, all without much of their involvement.
It’s interesting, though, that throughout Scripture, we very rarely see God providing money as a means of deliverance or breakthrough. However, we do witness a pattern of God’s expectation of our participation in His plans. This method started in the Garden of Eden with God providing for Adam’s needs as he fulfilled his task of nurturing the agriculture and naming the animals. It continues as a theme throughout the Bible, especially in the execution of miracles for people. With the Old Testament prophets, Jesus, and the apostles, we usually see people actively participating in their own deliverance, not just merely receiving a blessing. God has always desired to work in partnership with us. He does not want us just sitting idly while watching Him work, nor does He just want to watch us work without His involvement. One expression of God’s desire for intimate fellowship is through the opportunity to engage Him as we are operating in the area of our purpose.
God has always desired to work in partnership with us.
A great example of this is the account of the feeding of the five thousand referenced in John 6:1-14. A young boy and the disciples all played a key role in the miracle that greatly impacted what many Biblical scholars say was the largest crowd that Jesus gathered at any one time (the number fed was probably between 15,000 to 20,000 because the Scripture references 5,000 men, which does not include the women and children which were most likely present). So what can we learn from the active participants in this miracle that you can apply to your business? 1) Jesus: He will challenge us to engage with Him in blessing others. Jesus easily could have performed this miracle without the disciples’ help. However, He wanted them to see how important they were in God’s plans. You and your business can be a vital part of what He is doing in the earth if you are willing to submit you and it to Him. 2) Young Boy: He gave what he had. Jesus used what was already in that little lad’s hands. We can only bring to Jesus what we have even if we do not consider it as something great. Jesus will easily take something small and make it great. 3) Disciples: Although they were reluctant at first, mainly because they didn’t have enough money to buy food for everyone, the disciples obeyed Jesus’ command to go find some food. And even though they did not think much of what they had found, it was just enough for Jesus to do something spectacular with it. Your belief and obedience is required to see miracles happen in and through your business.
Your belief and obedience is required to see miracles happen in and through your business.
One of the most significant revelations drawn from this account is the fact that the fish and five loaves did not begin to multiply until the disciples started giving away what Jesus had blessed (Mark 6:41). The miracle didn’t manifest until they participated in the process with Jesus. Likewise, amazing moments like these will not occur in your life until you decide to participate with God in His plans to transform your family, community, business, industry, etc. He will bless your talents, gifts, resources, and anything else that you offer to Him. But then it’s up to you to use what He blesses to bless others. Then you will see miracles of multiplication. This is an excerpt from a chapter of Paul Wilson Jr’s highly anticipated new book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process To Turn Your BIG Into A Dream Business. Learn more about this resource for business startups and those who need a fresh start in your business at – See more at: