Are You a Compelling Witness?

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Our world offers no peace. Violence, hatred, heartlessness, and
Christians persecuted, followed by a campaign of deceptions and
injustices on every level.
Regretfully, some people live in anormalcy biasby underestimating the crisis.
They justify the horrific events as simply "a sign of the times." They
stick their head in the sand in hopes to tune out the bad news.
But don't snooze: the wickedness is here; it's been here. Those who
underestimate the uptick of events and misunderstandSatan's desire to
ultimately destroy mankind will be caught flat-footed.
In these 11th-hour times, to inflict the most deception, destruction,
and division, Satan is bringing full-frontal attacks, for his time is
In such times, are you retreating or speaking as a compelling
witness—sounding the clarion call for people to take courage and hope
in Christ Jesus? Are you equipping others in God's Word so they are
standing on solid ground when everything else crumbles? Have you
shared your testimony to convey God's awesome power and love to
overcome anything and everything; a love that lifts every weight? By
His Power and Authority, God's People have been equipped to transform
the world—a decaying, fallen world.
This transformation will include calamities and persecutions, for it
is impossible to purify something without putting it in the fire.
John 17:14-19 reads: "I have given them your word and the world has
hated them, for they are not of the world anymore than I am of the
My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you
protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I
am not of it.
Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me in to
the world, Ihave sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself,
that they too may be truly sanctified" (NIV).Hakim Hazim is a theorist
and co-founder of Christian think He and his
team produce content to equip Believers to maximize their individual
potential and relationship with God, to prepare them in the moment of
today's critical times.
Addressing the enemy head-on is part of that equipping."Too many
Christians have become passive bystanders in this spiritual warfare
when they've had a sword in their hand the entire time," says Hazim.
"The hour is at hand for complacency to end."
In the uptick of challenging, turbulent, violent world events, God is
training Believers to be compelling witnesses.
Powerful descriptors such as "convincing," "credible," "inspiring
conviction," "irrefutable" and "persuasive," define what is a
compelling witness.
As you can guess, Satan and the worldhatea compelling witness for Christ.
God is raising up NEW witnesses (like you and me) to sober a decaying
world with His Truth.
We need to be salt AND light as we enter the territories He has called
us to, instructing and preserving His Truth.
Undoubtedly, the events and world's condition grieves God.
Knowledge and exposure to the events also grieve us, for as
Ecclesiastes 1:18 indicates, "For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
the more knowledge, the more grief." Yet, none of the events have
taken God by surprise. God is above and beyond everything we see
Even with the unfolding destructionand ticking clock toward Christ's
return, God wants to accomplish His work through you.
Are YOU prepared to go the distance while staying in peace, no
retreat? In the face of persecution and trials, will YOU be a
compelling, convincing and irrefutable witness for Christ?
Credit: Gospel Today